WildTangent is Planning to Launch an Unprecedented Android Game Service First with T-Mobile USA

We’re thrilled to tell you today that later this year WildTangent, and launch partner T-Mobile, will introduce a new service on Android smartphones and tablets. T-Mobile customers and WildTangent customers will have the opportunity to more easily discover, try and enjoy top games of all types hassle-free. You will have the choice to: play games for free with relevant advertising, rent games for a fraction of the suggested retail price and purchase the must-have titles you want to keep. Just like with our PC service, the cost of the rental will be applied toward purchase so our customers can easily own games if they play them often.

We’ll also offer our popular WildCoins virtual currency within the service for in-game item purchase and rental. So if you have WildCoins, you can use them on your Android phone AND on the PC. No need to have separate accounts. And as many of you know, WildCoins provide you with a better discount on game rental and game purchase…as well as in-game item purchase. Our BrandBoost advertising platform will also be incorporated, allowing major brands to provide our customers with free game sessions and in-game items.

This morning we’ve been featured in All Things D, GeekWire, GigaOM and VentureBeat!

We’ll keep you posted with more news as we get closer to launch. Needless to say, we’re excited. We plan to bring great games to you on a regular basis—but in a fashion that’s easy for you to discover them. You won’t have to hunt around. We’ll present them to you easily, so you can simply enjoy and play!

Here’s a sneak preview of what the new WildTangent Games Android App will look like: