Developer’s Corner – My Kingdom for the Princess 3

If the saying, “Third time’s a charm,” is true, then My Kingdom for the Princess 3 from Nevosoft is a sure hit on the WildTangent Games App! The third game in the popular series features the same Time Management gameplay with a new storyline.  In My Kingdom for the Princess 3, Helen and Arthur’s three sons compete for the affections of one princess. This week’s Developer’s Corner even features three Nevosoft developers, Yury, Sergey and Alexander, who will share tips, tricks and their medieval personas.

Tell us about yourself and how you got into game development.

Yury: In 1998 I saw a newspaper advertisement for Sierra/Papyrus and I began working on five projects for the NASCAR games series.

Sergey: I got into game development ten years ago. I really wanted to create games and I was lucky enough to be hired by Fireglow Games and then Nevosoft.

Alexander: Like most of us, I dreamed of creating games since childhood. I finally quit my job in database development in 2002 and started developing games.

What was your favorite part about creating My Kingdom for the Princess 3?

Alexander: My favorite part was the beginning. My Kingdom for the Princess 3 combines genres and no one knew what the game would turn into. In the end we managed to create an interesting and addictive game!

If you had any superpower, what would it be?

Yury: Teleportation would be useful. I’m fed up with transportation and traffic jams.

Sergey: I would like to have a superpower that lets me turn all the junkyards into flourishing oases.

Alexander: I would really like an UNDO function in my life.

What tips and tricks do you have for WildTangent players who are playing My Kingdom for the Princess 3?

Yury: Many players say it’s difficult to complete the attack mini-games. Try to place your hammer very close to your house and click as fast as you can.

Sergey: If there is no warehouse on a level, collect resources carefully and make sure you don’t exceed the limit of 20 units. You’ll end up losing resources if you exceed 20.

The mini-games in My Kingdom for the Princess 3 involve wolves, dragons and more. Which mini-game is your favorite? 

Yury & Sergey: Castle Crush!

Alexander: I like the mini-games with wolves and hornets, which are fun to play on a touch-screen.

If you lived in medieval times, would you rather be a king, knight, peasant or court jester and why? 

Yury: Knight. I don’t want to be the others.

Sergey: I would be a knight because I am strong, noble and romantic.

Alexander: I could be anyone. I can have fun in all situations!

Play My Kingdom for the Princess 3 on the WildTangent Games App and follow @PlayWildTangent and @NevosoftGames on Twitter!

Lauryl, WildTangent